Thursday, May 17, 2012

Frugal Finds-Tips for re-using items and an awesome beginner-friendly deal this week

Let's start with the beginner-friendly deal about couponing.  If you have a rite aid card, run in to your local rite aid and buy 4 travel size Jergens Ultra Healing lotions (.79 each).  With the sale they're having, you will pay $2.57 (in WA with tax) and get $6 in "+UP Rewards".  In a second transaction, you can buy $6 of whatever else you want (cereal, toothpaste, etc).  Essentially you are making over $3 from buying something!!! 
Anyway, here are some other earth-friendly and wallet-friendly ideas I wanted to share:

Re-using Bags 
I did not grow up in a family where we washed and re-used ziplock bags.  Not that there's anything wrong with those that do, but for us it was just too much hassle and they lay around while air drying.  But I realized, I could at least get 1 additional use from packaging I already get.  I have my husband pack my lunches for me (he rocks btw) and I had him pack my sandwiches once in each of these bags.  They already had grain products in them already and are perfectly clean, why not? 

Wrapping Paper
We get the Sunday paper for 2 reasons: the coupons, and the comics.  We literally just recycle all the other sections without reading.  I remember once, it was my grandma I think, wrapped a gift in the comics.  I thought that was just so cute-it's colorful and gives extra entertainment too! 

Do you have other ideas where you re-use around your house?  I know I enjoy buying less disposable plastic bags and wrapping paper! 

And lastly, because I never get around to blogging anymore, just plain too's a fun project that I was going to suggest for Mother's Day but can be used whenever (I made this and gave it to my boss for her office on her birthday).  I have had this plant since the 7th grade. It's a plant that you can cut off stems and replant and it will grow new roots-great for sharing with other people.  

 I used a pop bottle and cut small ventilation holes for water to come out the bottom. From a Gatorade bottle that was larger, I use that on the bottom for the dripping water.

Then I decoupaged some newspaper around the edge for decoration.

It's kinda fun to have the see-through container too and see the roots grow.  I actually had another lady at work ask me for one of these.  I think my husband just took out all our bottles for recycling so I'll have to wait (and I need to water my plant so it grows and produces more leaves!  It's frankly quite pathetic because I don't do much for it, but it's hardy and doesn't die!).

1 comment:

  1. The soda bottle planter is so fun! I am totally making one of them. :) Great idea!
