Monday, May 21, 2012

The rest of my day off of work'

I'm taking a couple of days off of work for personal vacation and yes, I spent half of it couponing.  I even ran into one of the supervisors at the store who wondered why I was shopping during work hours, lol (he forgot I had vacation time scheduled).  Besides our shop at Albertson's, here are some other stops we made today. 


Original Product Value: 29.55

Out of Pocket: 2.55

Saved: 27.00=91%


Original Product Value: 40.96

Out of Pocket: 8.69

Saved:32.27= 79%

Register Rewards leftover for next time: (not accounted for above) $16.  Savings including RR=118% 


Original Product Value: 20.72

Out of Pocket: 6.39

Saved:14.33 = 69%

Gift Card leftover for next time: (included in saved percentage above) $5. 


Original Product Value:  7.74

Out of Pocket:  .99

Saved: 6.75=87%

Rite Aid

Original Product Value: 7.09

Out of Pocket: .52

Saved: 10.99 (considering the $4 Single Check Rebate I’m submitting)=155%

+UPs leftover for next time: (not accounted for above) $2.  Savings including +UPs=183% 

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