Wednesday, May 9, 2012

3 deals, simplified

Here's a few deals I just did, some tips for those wanting to coupon but not sure of how to do it crazy-extreme style...

They have a deal running through Saturday-Buy 10 Sobe, get a $5 gift card.  On sale at 10/$10.  This makes them .50 each after the gift card.  The shirt was on sale from $10 to $8 and I went on and printed off a $3 off, so $5.  We actually decided to go back and get 10 more drinks, and have a $5 gift card for next time we shop there. 

2 Kikkoman marinades-on sale for $1.75 each, I printed off 2-$2 off coupons=free
2 cream cheese-BOGO Free ($2.50)
dozen has coupons you can load on your card.  They have a deal where you just click the button on their site to load a coupon for these free eggs!
4 boxes of Ocean Spray fruit snacks.  $1.49 each when you buy 4.  Used 2-$1 off coupons I printed off.  =$1 each
(Ocean spray and cheese were only good through tonight)

Walgreen's:--deals good through this Saturday

I had a $2 register reward (coupon that prints out after purchases of certain promotional items) from buying Special K granola bars and a $5 register reward from buying Lanacane.

Transaction 1: I used these 2 ($7 value) to buy one of the U products ($3.99, used a $1 off printed coupon), the witch hazel on the left ($4), and the Nice brand candy (on sale for .49-a filler-a cheap item you use so you have 1 coupon per item).  The U product printed out another $3 register reward and the Witch Hazel printed out a $4 register reward.  (used $7 in register rewards, paid .49 for the candy + tax, got $7 back in register rewards)

Transaction 2: I then used the $4 register reward from the witch hazel on another U product  ($3.99, used a $1 off printed coupon), and the fried onions (clearance for .99).  I reserved both the $3 register rewards from both transactions for next week's deals.  I also go this 2nd witch hazel, it had a Try Me Free sticker so I got it and will submit a rebate :)

Also a deal I didn't realize until they were wall sold out (you better believe I got a rain check!)  They have these Milano tasty cookies on sale at Walgreen's from $2.39 down to .99!  Then you can use this .75 off coupon (no size restrictions) from one of the last papers...I'm so behind in clipping that I'm not sure which Sunday paper.  From $2.39 down to .24, I'll take it! 

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