Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I decided it was about time to do a giveaway! 

The PRIZE: $20 value of jewelry, supplies, or other handcrafted items, 50 manufacturer coupons
Runner up Prize: $5 value of jewelry, supplies, or other handcrafted items, 15 manufacturer coupons


Follow my blog (required for entry into giveaway) = 2 entries
Purchase one of my blowout items = 2 entries each (maximum 5 times/10 entries per household from purchases)
Read through a few of my most recent posts on my blog and let me know what $ saving tip you found most useful = 1 entry
Look through my current shops (JollyJennifer, CustomCreativityGal, LiveItAgain, and Crafting4Causes) and tell me what your favorite item is from each shop = 2 entries

Rules: maximum 15 entries per person/household.  Winner will be selected on June 20th or once we have at least 250 entries, whichever comes later.  United States participants only this time.  There will be 1 grand prize winner and 1 runner up prize winner-both prizes cannot be won by the same person.  Entrants must post a comment totalling up their entries and an email to contact them. 


  1. I love to needle felt so this is awesome: http://www.etsy.com/listing/63699273/raw-washed-cream-sheeps-wool-pay-it
