Friday, October 30, 2009

Trick or Treat :D

Due to the busy schedule of Halloween preparations and my laptop and family computer being down (on a borrowed laptop right now) I will not be posting a Friday Feature this week, but look for one next week :D Don't forget to trick or treat a couple posts below for FREE STUFF!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I won another giveaway?! :D

Just when I'm having an epic-ly bad Monday I got a convo letting me know that I won a giveaway I entered on someone's blog :D That brought a smile to my face! I won a mini wooden card set from Cabin + Cub Design on Etsy. You can see their shop with some of their other adorable stuff here.

I don't have a whole ton more to mention right now. I've been slacking on creating lately, being a couch potato, so forth and so on. I guess if I got more sales I would be motivated to create more, lol. I just sold a couple items to my sister today. I have offered to my mom, sister, and sister-in-law (immediate family only) a one-time offer to make them a jewelry item of their choice at cost in exchange for a few of my business cards in their purses, for when they get compliments ;) If you can showcase your items like that I say go for it, it's more than likely worth it. The first item I got on etsy (actually traded for) I carry in my purse EVERYWHERE with me and show all of my friends. I know it has actually generated at least 1 sale for that person even though I don't have any of her business cards!

Well anyway, don't have too much excitement in the way of pictures so I'll include one of this pretty little ACEO I just listed :D

Friday, October 23, 2009

FRIDAY FEATURE-CraftyLittleKitten

This Friday's Feature Seller is CraftyLittleKitten!

The shop owner at CraftyLittleKitten was the first to contact me and donate to my Crafting4Causes shop. She donated this adorable kitten named Daisy. Daisy sells at a discount and ships for FREE! PERFECT gift! As for the rest of CraftyLittleKitten's shop, she has an adorable variety of kittens including this "SantyPaws" Christmas kitten. She currently has other items listed including the cute set of little stockings (Pictured above). Please browse around her shop :D

About her crafting and shop she says: "I have been crafting for many years and I love my "art" that I do. I do many kinds of crafts and I love to make them for others cause I love to see their face when I give them the finished product. Really no two of my items are the same. Most of my friends and family are the ones that I make my items for." In her bio you can also read about how her items used to fly off the shelves of a local consignment shop until the shop closes and she came across Etsy. I think we're lucky she found Etsy so we could find her :D

While preparing this feature I came across the shop announcement that everything in her shop ships for just $2.00 if purchased by 7pm central October 24th, that's tomorrow! That in itself is a great steal considering the size of the cuddliness you will get!

Once again, I highly recommend stopping by CraftyLittleKitten and checking out the merchandise (and clicking the heart button liberally) :D

If you would like to be featured as a Friday Feature please contact me at
*Please look below and participate in my Trick or Treat Blog Giveaway!
*Remember that the sign up deadline for the Secret Santa I have organized is ending in just over a week, to read about it and sign up, click this link.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


It's time for another fun giveaway.

Everyone gets a treat in one way or another!
Prize: 40 green and red "Do Not Open Til Christmas" Gift Tags (pictured below) and a $5.00 gift certificate to be used in my JollyJennifer shop on any Jewelry or ACEO items (I only have 1 aceo listed but I have many more not yet listed)

*In the case that your religious beliefs do not include the celebration of Christmas I have alternate tags that you may select from.

How does everyone win you say? Everyone who participates here gets 10% off any 1 item in either of my shops (JollyJennifer) or (Crafting4Causes) from now until the time the contest ends. Put *TorTBlog* in the message for the discount. Read my shop announcements and individual listings for coupon conditions. In the case that you purchase more than 1 item I will be delighted to give you the discount for the highest priced item.

Here are the rules:
*Post a comment on my blog with 1 Treat(item) from my main shop that is your favorite and post your e-mail for contacting you=1 ticket
*For an additional ticket, post your favorite treat (item) from my charity shop.

2 tickets maximum per person. You must be a blog follower to win. Prize will be selected randomly raffle style. Entries must be submitted by 12:01am November 1st PST.

Do your ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro?

So this might sound absurd, but I thought that it might be fun and unique to sculpt an ear out of polymer clay and pierce it to display my earrings. I tried but I'm not very good so I think I'll have a family member who is much better at that kind of stuff do it. I got mixed reviews on the forums on whether it was a good idea or not (if it looked like an actual ear-better than the one I made). Most seemed to like it but a few thought it was just too creepy or ineffective. To be honest, $1 worth of clay is cheaper than $40 worth of a manequin, but it's not just about the money, I thought it would be a nice spin. So I need YOUR opinion, what do you think? Please leave me a comment!

I also need your help finding inspiration. I have been lacking in motivation lately, I usually post an item a day in my etsy shops but I am just so slow to getting around to taking pictures and posting. I think I'm just discouraged by the lack of sales :( What do you do to get motivated and inspired? Please leave me your comments!

Monday, October 19, 2009

In Honor of the Beautiful Autumn Weather


It's looking like fall outside-the crunch of leaves under my feet, the chill in the air, the squirrels running about burying their treasures. I just wanted to post a few of my favorite things about fall and some lovely craft items associated.

I'll take you back to a couple of years ago with me when I was living in Poland. I spent a year and a half there. I bought a rose made of fall leaves from a lady on the street. She sold it to me for 1 or 2 zloty which translates into less than a dollar US currency. (buying things off of people on the streets isn't as odd there as it is here) I thought it was so cute and creative that I made some of my own to send my family as ornaments. The 3 pictured I made, the one on the Christmas tree is her original.

The trick is to pick some nice looking leaves while enjoying a stroll in the park. You have to make the flowers the same day you pick the leaves or the leaves will dry too much. It takes some practice to make them look good but it was fun. Handle with care when dry as they will be brittle! But the possibilities are wide open in the color palette-dark red, bright red, yellow, a mix-it all comes down to your creativity and what you can find!

Next in Poland, I got this cute little notebook. I have a stationery addiction and have SO many notebooks. I use this one as a diary/journal. It's fun because the raindrops on the cover are actually 3D (some of them anyway) by some sort of resin on them so it's also clear. The downside is every time I use it a raindrop or 2 chips off leaving it looking fine still. It's a fun idea for someone to try maybe :D

And lastly as I was returning to Poland after 18 months of not seeing my friends or family I remember I told them to bring me Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies at the airport (even though I came back December 20th). That's what I missed most from America!!! I think that's what I'll do this year is make up some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and take them to my neighbors for Halloween or Thanksgiving :D

This next picture is of a bag that I bought Saturday and then added some adorable embellishments to yesterday. I LOVE it! I bought a bunch of bags to fix up as gifts and to possibly sell :D The picture isn't so great-the coloring is horrid compared to the real thing!

And last of all I will share with you a poem I wrote a few years ago. I was inspired while walking near the Spokane River on a community college campus. There was such a variety of beautiful trees. I hope you enjoy:

Autumn Dynasty
Walking through a grove of trees
on a Chilled Autumn day
vibrant colors, soft leaves falling,
beckoning to stay.

Many shades drifting down
brown, orange, yellow, red,
"How ugly these leaves are,"
I heard that someone said.

Yet I see the great expanse
brilliant carpet rolled out for me
leaves, like rose petals,
scattered as for royalty.

The pallet of the painter
browning, yellowing, once green sod
sprinkled with earthly brown, a hint of maroon,
and a shade of goldenrod.

The trees give up their leaves
as a thanks to those who've seen
the branches, twigs, stand alone
brown, empty, and lean.

Soon it will have a cover of white
just wait a season or two
because in a little while
there will be colors galore that are new.

Whispering in the rustle of leaves
"Let nature take care of it all"
the cycle of life takes place
with every leaf that you see fall.
~Jennifer Houser

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thumbs up to trading

I read on the forums that a good way to get feedback was to do some trades at first. I've now completed several trades and it's always so much fun :D Here's a picture of just a few things around my house that I've received in trades (ones I could easily find and that aren't Christmas gifts so my family doesn't find out here ;)

On another note, I've been seriously considering having a jewelry home show, which I know I'd need to get on the ball for planning and making more items but the last day or two I'm having some serious confidence lows :( So we'll see. Does anyone have any tips or ideas if I decide to go through with it?

Friday, October 16, 2009


I'd like to introduce you a little to Paper Fetish Designs . has a variety of high quality products and I'm glad to be their fan on facebook so I can see the cute projects that she makes and lists! I most recently fell in love with her line of "Note-n-Quote Annotation Bookmark Journals". At a great price it's hard to turn down buying a few. You can use them to take notes on books that you're reading and record your thoughts.

Other sections in her shop include fabric/quilted journals, leather journals, mixed media journals, hardback journals, pocket journals, matchbook notebooks, and some great discounts on both supply and rubber stamp destash.

I chose to feature her shop as the first FRIDAY FEATURE because not only does she have great stuff, but a great heart. She has donated quite a bit to the Crafting4Causes shop and I'm proud to say that so far, just over half way through October we've already raised $20.80 to go to the Shriner's Hospital for Children and it is ALL from the sales of items kindly donated by her. That's the highest amount raised so far from that little shop of mine and I'm glad to see it :D

About her art she says: "I have a constant urge to create!

I am a self-taught bookbinder and fiber artist. I love working with bold colors, but enjoy the challenge of a color combination outside my comfort zone. I have created custom journals for clients the world over. I love knowing that my products will be enjoyed for years to come. I create books, journals, sketchbooks and photo albums in fabric and leather. All of my leather products are made from recycled remnants from the garment industry. My mission is to produce a high quality product at a reasonable cost that will last years into the future."

PaperFetish can be found on Facebook here: And also on Twitter under "Bookbinder2".

When Dreams Come True....

Silly title I know, but I don't feel like I have too much to say today except....I took a picture of this lovely little find that made my day while I was on a roadtrip this last weekend. Here you see the rye chips ONLY from gardettos!

Come on, you know everyone just picks those out and eats them and then last they eat the rest of the pretzels, etc.

Anyway...I'm only working 1.5 hours a day right now at my job but I honestly feel like I have less time than I did when I was working 8 hours a day! I think in part it's the fan mail (aka unemployment papers) and job searching. I've been working on more swirl art like the one featured in my crafting4causes shop, only smaller aceo sizes. I really need to get around to making more jewelry and stationery-for some hopeful Christmas sales and because I hope to have a home show of some sort some time in the next couple months.

Anyway, speaking of a show, I need to search for and buy some displays for pictures as well. Hope all is going well for you and have a great day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The weather made me do it!!!

Ok, I'm officially blaming half of my projects sitting on my work table not being finished on this stupid weather lately (as opposed to my usual procrastination excuse). It has been windy beyond belief, freezing, and raining for days now. I really just want to spray some varnish on some items. Do you think if I just leave the garage door open and spray in short bursts that it will be ok? Then again I hear that if the humidity is high (i.e. rain) that varnish doesn't work as well, but does that apply to spray or just paint-on types? Please help me!!!

Anyway-on a happy note, I got a kind unexpected convo from someone tonight about being featured on their blog :D My cute lil' pumpkins made it into her orange selection, go and check out her great blog here!

These little guys are the pumpkins I was talking about. I may have listed them a little late for Halloween, but they are great for the entire fall season so I hope to sell some. I have enough fabric to make nearly 100 kits/sets 0.0

Donation to the Humane Society

Ok, it's late and I'm stressed and my head is going every which way about things I want to and need to do. But I finally got around to getting the proceeds of Crafting4Causes shop's September donations to the Humane Society. Here's a screenshot after the donation and I guess I'll be getting a thank you card in the mail. It's kinda funny with charities that you can opt to give yourself a thank you card. Do you need to pat yourself on the back? I guess it's not bad to have for tax purposes and overall documentation though. Anyway-here's my usual post so any contributors can always feel at ease that donations are going where they are supposed to be!

I've blacked out a few lines for privacy.

Anyway, please read my post below-2 blogs in 1 day is just outrageous! lol.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Goodies everywhere!

I am proud to announce a little new section in my jollyjennifer shop called "upgrades/certificates" where you can purchase Niobium and Sterling Silver upgrades for those with allergies like myself and chains for the pendants that don't include them! I'm also offering gift certificates because I know it can be hard to pick for someone that's picky to buy for-so might as well just give them a gift certificate!!!

Other news-

*I will be starting a giveaway sometime this week so check back often!
*I will be starting "Feature Fridays". Now that we have nearly 100 followers (thanks to you all!) I feel confident about adding that part to the structure of my blog. I wish I had the Wednesday giveaways and Tuesday Tutorials, etc. but I'm just plain too busy and scatterbrained to hold up to that rigid of a schedule every week! But I would like to extend the opportunity to you to have your shop featured with a product review. At the moment I am taking free samples, or if the item is particularly expensive or heavy I might consider helping pay shipping, etc. I will take it on a case by case basis. I will also feature all shops that contribute to the Crafting4Causes shop. So if you would like to have your shop featured drop me a line at one of my shops or via my e-mail at I will still include fun tips, pictures and projects, and of course individual product reviews of things I just plain like. I never charge anyone for mention on my blog-just sharing great things!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I wants all the pretties!

So I'm finding myself coveting my own jewelry, is that bad? I make something new, I put it on (i.e. pearl necklace I just listed) to model it, and I LOVE it. I feel like Rose on Titanic with my hand outstretched saying "no!!! Don't go!!!" But then I tell myself that I can make more and I have too much pink anyway :P Anyway, I've been making projects like a maniac. Of course starting some while not finishing others because I get too darn excited to start the new little pretties! I applied for jobs at 2 crafting/bead stores today :P A little more money on the side and an employee discount never hurt anyone, lol. We shall see.

Anyway, here are some of the cuties I have or will be listing today and then I will have a quiet etsy weekend and noisy crazy family weekend. My parents and I are driving several hours to be at my nieces baptism which will be great :D

Here's the necklace I made last night (I guess you can see in my etsy mini to the right if you read this) and then you'll see the wee little pumpkins my mom and I made. She developed the pattern and has taught me how to make them.

oh yeah, and as a post note-here's something I posted on the etsy forums:

Words of Wise for Buyers
1. If you love it-buy it. You'll favorite it and plan to go back and buy it but then you see it has been sold. Many many items are one of a kind and not all sellers will be able to or want to reproduce similar items. Even if you don't consider yourself so materialistic, you'll be sad that you missed out!

2. Do not procrastinate (kind of like the first but different). Allow plenty of time for shipping. Even if you tell a seller you need it by a particular day and the postal system "guarantees" it by then, you may not get it in time :(

I have sadly learned both of these lessons this last week. And I'm sure that as we head into holiday buying that it will get more and more this way.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To muse on Childhood

I've mentioned before that I substitute at my local school district. I've been supervising the playground recently and today just made me laugh. I can just remember the days that were so carefree. Playing with your little posse of friends careless and free! It was a funny progression through the different recesses. I remember when boys threatening to chase you and kiss you was very icky! I remember when in the 4th grade I noticed boys and got my first "boyfriend".

In honor of kids and the upcoming festivities of Halloween (and due to the fact that I show you most of my products BEFORE I list them because I'm so excited, lol) I'll forgo featuring any of my products for the day and show you a couple cute soaps (I think I'm getting a cute soap addiction from etsy lately too!)

This first is a Caramel Candy Apple Soap! So cute and at a very reasonable price, it can be found here.

Then you can see these cute little guys-Exploding Frog Soaps! You have to click here to see the pictures of what they look like when they explode :D

Lastly-some good news for the Crafting4Causes shop! We've had a couple sales and that means so far $9.69 (profits after fees) is going to the Shriner's Hospital for Children! It's not even half way through the month and we've already made more for them than the last 2 months of charities combined :D

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I've been run over by a semi!

ok, I wasn't run over by a semi, but do you feel that way sometimes? I stayed up too late last night so I was exhausted and late to my dr's appointment this morning. On the way there my speedometer in my truck broke. It seriously just stopped working. It slumped to the bottom (about 95 mph) when I was just keeping up with the crowd of cars around me (60-65 mph). I came home, worked an hour at a local school supervising playground time and then enjoyed beautiful, marvelous sleep...for 3 hours. haha. Today is one of those "throw away days" as I call them. Now that I'm up in time for dinner I will try to be productive :P

Some good news is that a couple of items just sold from the crafting4causes shop and my sister in law wants to buy the last item I posted. That will be a new record already for monthly donations to charity :D Well anyway-I haven't been doing my favorite picks lately like I used to try to daily just because of the hustle and bustle of life. So here's some fun stuff to gander at:

On the left we have a Wall Topo in Aqua. I think this mode of art is absolutely beautiful and unique! I was stunned when I came to this shop. You can find this particular piece here.

And then on the right, kind of in relation is an item I posted yesterday. It feels so good and cute on my wrist that I fear if someone doesn't buy it soon I may change my mind and just keep it for myself! It is found here.

Monday, October 5, 2009

What makes you smile?

A lot of things make me smile. Including finishing projects and admiring them :D Leave a comment on what makes you smile! Here are some items that I've made over the last few days that make me smile!

First we have a Halloween Swirl art. I think I will list it in my charity shop as a start.

And then I've started on a bit of Christmas cheer :D An upcycle project making a hair clip with red wire and the green leaves are cut from green plastic pop bottles. The other piece shown is a Christmas wire wrapped ornament and card in 1. The ornament has its string pulled through the front of the card and is taped onto the back until the recipient can take it off and enjoy it on their tree :D I enjoy playing with the wire as you can see, including braiding it for this particular ornament.

Lastly some pretty card sets I made over the last couple days. I even made my own envelopes for once. It's cheap but time consuming. But it's nice to have something fit your card instead of your card fitting whatever envelopes you can find.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Earring of the Month Listing? What do you think?

I've seen people have "Soap of the Month" listings for sale. Do you think anyone would buy earring of the month listings? I've thought about it a few times. It would be a fun gift or if it were for yourself you could keep the ones you love for yourself and decide to give others away as gifts :D Leave me a comment with your thoughts!

Here are some pictures of items that I mentioned in my last blog:
The simple sterling silver studs

and 3 Pairs of earrings made for a friend of mine:

And lastly a pair of earrings that I made identical to the ones I'm wearing right now :D I LOVE Swedish Fish-best candy EVER! So I decided to make these cuties-they are czech glass.

Friday, October 2, 2009

A quickie blog :D

I've been a little under the weather lately which is definitely not fun, but it's nice to just kick back sometimes and do nothing :P I'm sad though that my laptop is acting up, as in...not turning all. The Geek Squad guy said it was the motherboard but we'll see. Right now I'm on the family computer which is old and S...L....O...W! Oh well, still trying to achieve my goal of posting 1-2 items a day.

I took the plunge the other day and invested in some sterling silver wire which is more costly than the usual copper wire I work with in my jewelry. It's a little hard getting used to working with it. I bought half hard and I should have gotten dead soft so it's easier to work with. But it's working great for some items already including some custom orders from an acquaintance (maybe I'll take and post some pictures soon, I'm so proud of them! It was a challenge for me since she's a grandmother. I tend to do more trendy, younger pieces so we'll see if she likes them :D I can't imagine she wouldn't! They're classic and stunning.

In addition to that I've learned that it's simple enough with the right gauge and hardness of silver to make your own ear wires/posts. So I've made some darling wire wrapped posts! Just some wrapping which I love and taking a file to the wire to take away the sharp edges and they're darling! I also made myself some adorable earrings-if I weren't lazy I'd go take a million pictures and post them all right here right now :P I'm experimenting with Niobium hooks. After some research it seems that a metal called Niobium is considered the ultra hypo-allergenic type of metal. It works perfect for those that even have gold or silver allergies. I bought a pair (a little costly but it might be worth it as they also come in a variety of colors) and have been wearing them for the last few hours without any problems. Anyway, I shouldn't blab too much or you will be asleep drooling on your keyboards.

I have some other fun developments in the works that I'll keep you updated on! Heads up on the Crafting4Causes shop, this month all sales go to the Shriner's Hospital for Children :D Please help spread the word! Oh yeah, and a last shout out, I stumbled upon my cousin just opening his own shop a couple days ago :D He has 2 items up so far, please go check him out and give him some love here.